
Hampshire Ladies Golf

Channel Island Golf

The Channel Island's Golf Clubs are affiliated to HLG. You can find out more about golf on the Channel Islands via the websites below.
Jersey Golf Website
Guernsey Golf Union Website

Members of the HLG Board visited La Moye Golf Club on 22/03/23 to meet representatives from Channel Island Golf Clubs. The slides presented are available below:

HLG visit slides


Guernsey Golf Union Committee 2025:

The President – Jeff Davies
Vice President – Lynne Coutanche
Vice-President – Angela Goddard
Treasurer - Michael Marley

Minute Secretary - Claire Markey

Jersey Golf  2023:

As of 1/1/23 JLGA and JGU have merged.

Joint President  –  Juanita Adlington
Joint President – Steven Bowen

Other positions will be confirmed following February AGM

Hampshire Representative:
Melina Syred

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