
Hampshire Ladies Golf

What We Do

There are 76 affiliated clubs in Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight and Channel Islands with some 4,800 female playing members, including 76 junior girls with handicaps.

Our remit is wide-ranging:

  • To provide a framework for women and junior girls amateur golf in Hampshire
  • To promote & encourage play at all levels
  • To maintain, administer & regulate the County Championships and all other County competitions & events
  • To identify and nurture talent
  • To develop our elite golfers and select & manage teams to represent the county and beyond
  • To manage the HLG finances to ensure the interests of women and junior girls amateur golf in Hampshire are best met
  • To represent Hampshire in national women's golf issues and debate
  • To work collaboratively with Clubs and other organisations in pursuit of the above (ie. England Golf, Hampshire Golf, County Support Officers)
Our core functions are shown here

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