County Colours are awarded to players who show their commitment to Hampshire golf, and the first team in particular.
From 1st January 2006 a player must accumulate a total of 12 points (where at least half the points are playing points rather than appearance points) to receive her colours.
Playing points are awarded as follows :
Winner of the County Championship 3 points
Runner up 1 point
County Match Week and/or Finals 2 points for each Singles win
1 point for each Singles half
2 points for each Foursomes win
1 point for each Foursomes half
NB points for foursomes win / half increased from 2021 to reflect the new format for County Match Week / Finals.
A player will be awarded 1 appearance point for each year that she is selected as part of the County Week and/or County Finals’ squad (regardless of how many matches she plays).
Additionally players should show commitment to County training and show team support.
The Captain has the option to award a discretionary point in exceptional circumstances.
Consideration may be given for players who have given good service to the County and played regularly but have not gained the requisite number of points to receive their colours.
Updated July 2024