Entries for the 2025 Inter-club knockouts including Stoneham Cup, Knight Cup and North Hants Trophy will open on 1st September 2024 (closing date 30th September).
The entry fee for each competition is as follows:
The draw will be published at the Delegates’ Meeting on Thursdau 17th October.
Upon completion you will be sent an email confirmation including a copy of your entry. To confirm your club’s place, please make sure you send the correct payment amount via BACs to:
Hampshire Ladies Golf Ltd.
Bank account number: 44085183
Sort code: 40-42-18
If you are not able to make an online bank transfer please send a cheque made payable to Hampshire Ladies Golf Ltd to:
Pauline Davies, 9 Lark Hill Rise, Badger Farm, Winchester, Hants, SO22 4LX.
If you have any queries please email our knockout competitions secretary Janet Armitage.